In an effort to motivate and challenge myself as well as to share and show my work with others in (almost) real time, I will post here, every Monday by 11:59 PM, one new piece created that week (allowing myself two weeks off for my honeymoon). When the calendar rolls over to 2011 I will have posted a total of 50 pieces. Whew! No time to chat, gotta get to work!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 24. "A Fourth Fool" aka "Breathe fool! Breathe!" 24"x30" oil on canvas

This is the fourth installment of the fool series starring me, myself and I as the biggest fools anyone ever did see. The original idea for this one was that the fool would be staring up out of picture into light so bright that he really couldn't see. It could have been called "Don't stare at the sun, fool!" What happened was that while I was taking the reference photographs I kept sneezing (because, like the fool I am, I was staring at the sun behind the camera). I was holding those sneezes in! "I can do it!" I told myself. "This is the longest ten second auto timer on any camera, ever!" I thought to myself. One half of a millionth of a second before a sneeze forced it way out the camera finally took a picture. I looked at it. I liked it. I used it. And when I stepped back from the canvas I saw a fool, not out in the brutal sun but holding his breath under the water. He's not too far under the water because the sun is still powerful enough to blind him. He looks like he's in about three or four feet of water tops. So maybe the really really real title of this painting is, "If you think your drowning, stand up! Fool.".


  1. Wow...I first glanced at this at work without reading the verbal post. I had a totally different interpretation-thinking you were in water and oil and could not putting yourself in the place of the animals in the gulf waters. That's still what I see.

  2. It's like the documentaries that must have artificial light to film under and in deep water.
    You look like some film maker startled you in your misery.
